10 Tips for Going Paperless with Ease

Going paperless is one of the best decisions you can make this year. While one year may not be enough to completely adopt the paperless approach, getting started in this direction is still more than enough. Following are 10 tips that will help you:

1. Take a Stand

Make your paperless workplace policy accessible and official. Let everyone in the office know key goals and benchmarks for usage, such as the amount of paper used every month. You can set up certain limitations for paper printing, mailings, marketing materials, office supplies, and packaging.

2. Start at Reception

The overall look of your reception area sends a message about your company and your workplace as a whole. You want to strive for a workplace that is connected, streamlined, and modern. There are lots of high-tech tools that can help you easily change your reception into a paperless lobby.

3. Move to Digital Financial Statements

Make arrangements with customers, suppliers, and banks to move to paperless bank statements, online invoicing, and electronic banking. These modern practices will not only improve productivity but they will also significantly cut down the use of envelopes and paper.

4. Downplay Printing

Downplay printing and promote the use of electronic record filing, internal communication tech tools, digital signature software, and file formats that are easy to share e.g. PDF. All of these make it easier to rely less on paper.

5. Encourage Reuse and Recycling

Promoting the reuse and recycling of paper materials can alter attitudes toward paper usage. To collect paper waste, keep a recycle bin in the building’s common area. Apart from this, buying recycled paper for the printer is also recommended.

6. Find Paper Alternatives

Look for replacements for commonly used office staples e.g. paper cups, paper towels, etc. Reusable mugs and towels are pleasant alternatives. 

7. Use eSignature Software

eSignatures have gained a lot of popularity over the years because of their various advantages. eSignature softwares make it easy to collect legally valid digital signatures on legal docs and contracts to avoid printing, faxing, signing, and physical storage.

8. Reconsider Paperless Marketing

Find ways to communicate digitally with clients and prospects rather than traditional paper methods. While direct mail campaigns can be effective, you should look for alternative ways to connect with your audience. Digital ads, videos, social media posts, blog posts, eBooks, and email campaigns are all proven marketing tactics.

9. Paper-Free Internal Communications

Consider using some form of electronic communications for company notifications, project management, and collaboration. Consider alternative options if you are still depending on passing paper.

10. Be Smart About Office Supplies

Encourage waste prevention via buying guidelines. Concentrate on high-quality, recycled, reusable, and durable materials. Track office supply inventory usage so you can better optimize future orders.

A paperless workplace saves a lot of money by cutting down on the paper consumption as well as reducing the need to spend money on safe-keeping and archiving. Going paperless is easier than you may think. Hopefully, the above-mentioned tips will help you make the switch so you can become an eco-friendly, greener organization.